Opera former employee delivers secrets to Mozilla

The editor  of  Opera Software has launched legal actions against one of its former employees who have allegedly provided confidential information to the Mozilla Foundation.
Opera Software has filed a complaint against Trond Werner Hansen, one of its former employees who was  a designer from 1999 to 2006. The man was involved in the programming  and creation of several specific functionality of Opera browser, including management of web pages by tabs, navigation using mouse movements  and integrated research. According to ,after 2006, the man became a freelance consultant and has worked for Mozilla. Among its various projects for the foundation include " Junior ", a prototype browser for iPad designed with Alex Limi, responsible for the design of Firefox. Opera Software said that Mr. Hansen shared - or sold - confidential information and has now asked Mozilla for a compensation of  2.6 million euros in damages (20 million kroner). " Leaving Opera I did not have the feel that my ideas had been realized , "says Trond Werner Hansen. He added: " I am a very talented person and I feel that my ideas have value. I wanted them to be useful to users around the world. According trial is scheduled for August 22 of this year.This is the second time two mega organisations lock horns after the Apple- Samsung  patent -war  last year.Do you think this legal battle will settle peacefully?Share  your thoughts below...

  • Opera former employee delivers secrets to Mozilla
  • Unknown
  • Monday, April 29, 2013