How to make money by writing articles


Articles are a great way to make money for anybody.The writing articles is one way of promoting your website and product .This  totally free method can simply boost your sites rating and sales, doubling and even tripling your income.One of the best ways to promote your website to generate traffic   and make money writing articles.

Articles Generate Traffic

Write articles relating to your website and submitting them to directories and  submission sites is easy to do, it takes a little time and  can significantly increase your web traffic.

As the number of articles published grows and more and more of your articles  are appearing on different websites, the total number of links to your site increases also. All the major search engines place great importance on incoming links to websites so they can determine the importance of a certain site.

Search engines give more importance to inbound links site. This will then increase your site's placement in the search results.If your site is in the promotion of a product or service, the links that your articles have achieved will give more potential customers for you. Even if visitors do not click, you never know if they might need what you offer in the future.
There are also those who already have specific things in mind that they need, but no have not decided yet between the many choices online. The odds are on your side because they can fall for one of your articles ;) , interested in the content you have written on your site and then be attracted by your promotions. You see how easy it is?
Search engines do not just index the websites, they index published articles. They also index any article that is written about your own website. So once someone searches for the same topic, the list of results can give your site or may even show the articles that you have written.
Since  many people are now shopping online, having your site on the search engines through your articles is one way to make them learn more about you and your business.

The articles you write should be  what people want to know generally, without having to invest much money.
If you think this way, only a few minutes of your time should be spent on writing one article and submitting to free content site. In a short amount of time, they will be distributed to more sites than you can imagine. Before you even know what happens, you get more visitors than you previously had.Not to mention the attention and interest that people will suddenly give your website and your products or services.
Try writing some articles and you will be amazed at the sudden surge in visitors  to your sites link. Before you know it, you will double and even triple your earnings.Nothing like making the money free and effortlessly ;).
  • How to make money by writing articles
  • Unknown
  • Tuesday, April 30, 2013