How to make money by writing articles


Articles are a great way to make money for anybody.The writing articles is one way of promoting your website and product .This  totally free method can simply boost your sites rating and sales, doubling and even tripling your income.One of the best ways to promote your website to generate traffic   and make money writing articles.

Articles Generate Traffic

Write articles relating to your website and submitting them to directories and  submission sites is easy to do, it takes a little time and  can significantly increase your web traffic.

As the number of articles published grows and more and more of your articles  are appearing on different websites, the total number of links to your site increases also. All the major search engines place great importance on incoming links to websites so they can determine the importance of a certain site.

Search engines give more importance to inbound links site. This will then increase your site's placement in the search results.If your site is in the promotion of a product or service, the links that your articles have achieved will give more potential customers for you. Even if visitors do not click, you never know if they might need what you offer in the future.
There are also those who already have specific things in mind that they need, but no have not decided yet between the many choices online. The odds are on your side because they can fall for one of your articles ;) , interested in the content you have written on your site and then be attracted by your promotions. You see how easy it is?
Search engines do not just index the websites, they index published articles. They also index any article that is written about your own website. So once someone searches for the same topic, the list of results can give your site or may even show the articles that you have written.
Since  many people are now shopping online, having your site on the search engines through your articles is one way to make them learn more about you and your business.

The articles you write should be  what people want to know generally, without having to invest much money.
If you think this way, only a few minutes of your time should be spent on writing one article and submitting to free content site. In a short amount of time, they will be distributed to more sites than you can imagine. Before you even know what happens, you get more visitors than you previously had.Not to mention the attention and interest that people will suddenly give your website and your products or services.
Try writing some articles and you will be amazed at the sudden surge in visitors  to your sites link. Before you know it, you will double and even triple your earnings.Nothing like making the money free and effortlessly ;).

iOs 7 To Be Completely Redesigned?

Widespread speculations are that the  next version of iOS would develop a new simple user interface, more refined and meet new design codes.
While WWDC is taking place in a few weeks time, speculation about the features of the next Apple   operating systems are increasing. Yesterday, the certain sites claimed to have leaked the major features for OS-X-10.9 Mac Operating System.Now ,iOS 7 is in the center of attention.According to , the next version of iOS is characterized by an "interface that is redesigned completely " or this is at-least the rumors surrounding the development at Apple. The company would have removed any form of 'skeuomorphism', in simple words, unnecessary decorative elements, characterizing  Apple's need to involve applications  more directly to their counterparts in real-life. In other words, the design team, led by Sir Johnathan Ive, have removed the leather look on the calendar, fake looking stitches on the                 address book , paper texture notepads and so on.Finally, the interface is  more  like a Windows Phone.

Code-named "Innsbruck",the ios 7 would have a completely redesigned collection of  streamlined icons. However, the system would retain the same home screen.Until these informations are officially confirmed by Apple,we will have to wait on the speculations.What do you think,is iOs 7 a good change?

LivingSocial's 50 million users data hacked

Ecommerce site LivingSocial had its computer systems hacked  last  Friday, resulting in a compromise of more than  50 million users personal data  .The Hackers have gained access to personal data of Living Social customers including their names , email adresess , date of birth , encrypted passwords among  other sensitive information.The hackers did not get access to credit card information which served a huge relief to Living Social's customers .The company representative said that servers in  certain countries,including South Korea ,Thailand ,Indonesia and Philippines  were not affected.The visitor's on Living Social are welcomed with a new  bright banner notice asking existing customers to update their accounts.Besides a personal email was sent to each customer asking them to change their passwords.The email also asked customers to change  their passwords on all the other websites similar to incase they have the same password."The security of your information is our priority. We always strive to ensure the security of our customer information, and we are redoubling efforts to prevent any issues in the future," the email said.

                                                 Another mail was sent by the head of to 'Living Socialites' -staff at which said , "We need to do the right thing for our customers who place their trust in us," adding "We'll all need to work incredibly hard over the coming days and weeks to validate that faith and trust."LivingSocial says it is not sure how the hack happened  and is closely  working with government authorities to solve the issue. The hack is only one of them in a chain of cyber attacks on facebook , Evernote, which happened  recently.Only last Tuesday, the Associated Press' Twitter account was compromised, causing the stockmarket   to briefly plunge as false reports of explosions at the White House circulated.Share your thoughts below.

Opera former employee delivers secrets to Mozilla

The editor  of  Opera Software has launched legal actions against one of its former employees who have allegedly provided confidential information to the Mozilla Foundation.
Opera Software has filed a complaint against Trond Werner Hansen, one of its former employees who was  a designer from 1999 to 2006. The man was involved in the programming  and creation of several specific functionality of Opera browser, including management of web pages by tabs, navigation using mouse movements  and integrated research. According to ,after 2006, the man became a freelance consultant and has worked for Mozilla. Among its various projects for the foundation include " Junior ", a prototype browser for iPad designed with Alex Limi, responsible for the design of Firefox. Opera Software said that Mr. Hansen shared - or sold - confidential information and has now asked Mozilla for a compensation of  2.6 million euros in damages (20 million kroner). " Leaving Opera I did not have the feel that my ideas had been realized , "says Trond Werner Hansen. He added: " I am a very talented person and I feel that my ideas have value. I wanted them to be useful to users around the world. According trial is scheduled for August 22 of this year.This is the second time two mega organisations lock horns after the Apple- Samsung  patent -war  last year.Do you think this legal battle will settle peacefully?Share  your thoughts below...


Sony's Digital Binoculars for Rs 1,50,000 /-

 Introducing Sony's Latest Digital Binoculars

Sony has unveiled a pair of binoculars that uses  the digital imaging  technique for amplifying the image quality. DEV-50V  is also one of a kind binoculars  that can take photos and shoot  videos.DEV-50V looks  like a slightly oversized pair of  binoculars , but the binocular is equipped with two digital cameras and  therefore  reinforces the image electronically.Anyone who wants to shoot in 3D movies will find this a worthy option.

Weighing just 890 grams, the DEV-50V is  light  for a digital binoculars, but still relatively heavy compared to many digital cameras. The camera is water and dust resistant .Dropping the  DEV-50V into a  pool of water will not affect it, according to Sony.
An optical image stabilizer is in place to stabilize images . The DEV-50V  has an autofocus, which can also be  adjusted while zooming.There are also features for people with short / long sight .
There are two OLED viewfinders with 2.36 million pixels, each designed to provide a clear picture, even in twilight. The binocular camera can brighten images in bad light and save the recording location on the GPS .

Photograph can be of  good quality  with 20.4 megapixels and one  can shoot in Full HD resolution. One can also record 3D videos and play them on the TV. To play pictures/videos on a TV ,a micro HDMI output has been installed.

The data is stored on a memory stick , the  SD-/SDHC-SDXC-Karte. Photos and videos are launched from two different buttons on the front of the digital binoculars. The device measures 148.5 x 72.5 x 157.5 mm and weighs about 890 grams.Battery life is said to be up to 6 hours.Sony's binoculars,DEV-50V from Sony will approximately cost  around Rs 1,50,000 and will be available from June 2013.Officially,it has not yet been announced in India but soon will be-Can't wait to get my hands on a pair of these Digital Binoculars!!!  Share Your Thoughts below.....

BITCOIN-Future Currency?

As we move towards May , many wonder what and how Bitcoin is. Before you dive into the world of  crypto-currencies , here are some clues to understanding the phenomenon - Bitcoin.


Created in 2009 by an anonymous or an anonymous group calling itself Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin has taken the time to develop and evolve on the Internet without attracting public attention. If it is indeed a virtual currency, it has not much to do with those that most users know, such as Facebook Credits that were used until recently to buy carrots in Farmville. The change at the bitcoins in a course which, if not dependent on any real stock market to determine the exchange rate, fully virtual to real currency like the dollar or the euro, according to the supply and demand. So this is indeed a real currency that has value and can be converted. But, far from the traditional foreign exchange, it is managed by any bank, any exchange: its value depends on , its users and their transactions . This is because bitcoin is totally decentralized.

Bitcoin   is very similar to magnetic URLs used by torrents- to the extent that the transactions performed by users of this currency should have  software installed on the machines of the users. These programs, the best known  called Bitcoin-Qt, generate a virtual wallet once installed. This wallet does not require any registration or anything from its owner-it is identified by one or more addresses, or as a result of random characters generated by the user. These are the addresses that will allow to make transactions from one account to another. It is possible to create one for each transaction, so as to identify them. The program serves as a "  node  "in the global network of bitcoin transactions, decentralized.To reward the links of this huge chain, bitcoins are generated and randomly distributed to users, who can expand their savings this way.

 Generating bitcoins: Is it Really Possible??

However, dont think that it is possible to make a fortune by installing a small software on one’s computer, and letting it run day and night and then hoping it mine  bitcoins.Performance is extremely low. Enhancing the performance of your computer to optimize its computational speed can increase the user’s chances of winning bitcoins, solving more blocks. This approach, which is highly popularized in recent months, is called the "bitcoin mining  " highlights the power consumption driven by the want for more  bitcoins is not particularly profitable since  some of them  spend more money on electricity bills than  they earn mining bitcoins. This is because it is important to note that, although it is a  virtual currency- Bitcoin is not infinite, its circulation, and thus the generation of bitcoins, follows a curve that will reach its climax when 21 million bitcoins are outstanding. From this point, which should be reached around 2040,no more of  this coin will be generated after that.Thankfully it is a long time away.

How can I get bitcoins?

In addition to generating bitcoins, there are two ways to expand its portfolio: either getting paid with this money in exchange for a product or service, or to acquire the foreign exchange market .In theory, it would be quite possible to go through Bitcoin rather than Paypal, for example, to sell an object and make him pay, dodging past transaction costs. In practice, few are still buyers and sellers who accept bitcoins transactions. Still obscure, the virtual currency is not sufficiently popularized at present to be a possible alternative for major online payments.

It should be noted that if the bitcoin does not necessarily have good reputation among those who know, this is also because it is likely to be used in unsavory areas, including drug trafficking and weapons.BitCoin is  decentralized and anonymous currency, and is also known as money untraceable. Thus, sites "  hidden  ", including accessible via the Tor network , use bitcoin for illegal transactions: one of the most famous is called Silk Road. Difficult with such a reputation, ingratiate themselves with a large public, wary about the issue of money during a period of crisis. Failing to earn bitcoins via transactions, it is possible to acquire exchanging euros or any other currency on the foreign exchange market specialist. To do this, it is possible to register on sites like Mt.Gox , which is also the largest exchange platform of bitcoins on the market, and is continuing in real time. One must keep an eye on the exchange rate, as any such transaction.


The fluctuating rate  of transactions, makes it a less popular choice among traditional online marketers.
Nevertheless, many  sites accepting payments in bitcoins run online. by peeling, however we note Some areas are closed, but it is still possible to acquire codes and key video games, clothing, computer products and even food for pets with bitcoins. In a register more "popular" Mega, the new platform of Kim Dotcom, also accepts payments via bitcoin site Bitvoucher - whose motto appears to be " Your personal details do not concern us . " The bitcoin money is especially  useful in countries that block Paypal.

Currency With A Risk

The bitcoin, despite the subtleties around it's generation through its network and computational procedures - which opposes the state currencies - can be likened to any other currency used for transactions . However, one should be well aware that it is a currency that evolves as a decentralised with no state controls, and its course is extremely variable. Thus, investing in bitcoins has its own risk. Similarly, if the transactions are completely anonymous - they are still visible on the network, which keeps everything in memory - they are irreversible once carried out. Finally, it should also be noted that the risk of piracy wallet exist, and malware that turn machines PC into zombies in order to "undermine"   bitcoins without the knowledge of their users begin to emerge. Specifically, acquiring and using bitcoins for transactions requires little technical knowledge.
Anyways give it a try guys...For more Check Out The Video Below...


The Pirate Bay moved to Iceland and goes to.Is

The infamous Piratebay has made anoter move in it's domain name.This time,it is Iceland.So now, Piratebay goes  by it's new initials '.Is' Previously Piratebay had moved from .com to .se .Later  last month they moved to .gl    The latest move to '.is' came  last week when Piratebay  was forced to  make  another move, from Greenland. Qouting, it said "It has been a busy month for The Pirate Bay’s IT department thus far, with the site skipping from domain to domain.Two weeks ago the notorious BitTorrent site traded in its .SE domain for the Greenland-based .GL TLD. The Pirate Bay took this decision because they feared that Swedish authorities were about to take over their domain names.However, TPB did not receive a warm welcome in Greenland.Within two days of the move The Pirate Bay lost both its .GL domain names. Tele-Post, the private company responsible for .GL registrations, did not wait for a court order and said it would not allow the domains to be put to “illegal” use.Resilient as always, TPB aren’t about to give up that easily and have already lined up yet another domain name. This time they’re going for Iceland’s .IS, which will be a little harder to take offline.

tpb was registered after the Greenland debacle and traffic was redirected to the new domain a few minutes ago. Iceland is an interesting choice as the country previously positioned itself as a safe haven for freedom of speech.
Whether The Pirate Bay’s activities are considered protected under this definition remains to be seen,the company responsible for .IS domains  informs   that they have no plans to treat any differently to their other domains.
When we asked whether the company would follow Greenland’s lead and move for a proactive suspension, we got a clear answer.
“The short answer is no. Such an action would require a formal order from an Icelandic court.
This is not the first time that Iceland’s registry has been asked about possible actions against a controversial domain. In 2010, when Wikileaks was hosted under an .IS TLD, the company gave the same response.
“This policy applies equally to any .is domain,”the company says, adding that it’s the domain owner’s responsibility to abide by the law, not theirs.
“There is an article in our registration rules which states that ‘the registrant is responsible for ensuring that the use of the domain is within the limits of Icelandic law as current at any time’,” he explains.
ISNIC’s position means that The Pirate Bay will probably be operating from the .IS domain for a while. Technically copyright holders could file a complaint, but without a prior ruling against the site in Iceland this will probably turn out to be a time-consuming and expensive endeavor.
Even if the domain was taken away, The Pirate Bay would probably move on to the next one as if nothing happened. Until they run out of domains. Several users report that the domain change has made TPB accessible again om ISPs where it was previously blocked. We assume that the respective blocklists will all be updated in the near future.Share your thoughts Below ....

Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 -Review

Samsung's Galaxy Note 8.0 with 8 inch has released now with much fanfare.
Today I test my friend's brand new Galaxy Note 8.0 to find out  whether its worth it.. 
Samsung has introduced the Galaxy Note 8.0 which is another  tablet with pen input. With its 8-inch display Samsung closes the gap between the 5-inch devices and the 10-inch tablet equipped with a stylus. We tested among other things, whether the size of the tablet with the stylus operation plays a role.

On the hardware side, the Galaxy Note 8.0 up to date A four-core processor drives the tablet at a clock rate of up to 1.6 GHz on. The Geekbench 2 benchmark comes to 2,138 points and is therefore far better than that of the iPad Mini with its dual-core processor with 750 points and the Nexus 7 and its Tegra 3 quad-core together with 1,451 points. In JavaScript benchmark Octane, we have carried out in each Chrome browser, but the Nexus 7 is  an average of 1,300 points a little before the Galaxy Note 8.0 with 1,259 points.

There are no issues with the location nor the brightness sensor.The Smart feature-called eye detection, which only darkens the screen when the user no longer sees it, is very reliable.

The RAM is 2 GB, internal memory has an option of  either 16 or 32 GB.At the side of the Phone casing is a slot for a micro SD card which can hold up to 64 GB in size.

Bright screen and Plastic Casing

The screen shows rich, vibrant colors and viewing angle is stable. In comparison, the display of the Nexus 7 is much darker, less contrasty and shows verwaschenere colors. The display of the iPad Mini is only slightly darker than that of the Galaxy Note 8.0. On the small tablet of Apple, the colors are natural, but the jaggies are clearly visible on the iPad mini.

A comparison with the graphics benchmark GLBenchmark shows that the Galaxy Note 8.0 has  only an  average graphics performance  despite low resolution-17 fps in off-screen mode.

Smooth plastic

The display is surrounded by a shell from the typical Samsung plastic. Because of the smooth back, the Galaxy Note 8.0 does not feel quite as grippy like the Nexus 7 with its grooved back cover or the iPad, whose back is made of brushed aluminum. Due to the plastic cover ,a significant, but not excessive heat is felt  at high computational load.

The cover of the Galaxy Note 8.0 is built solid as the other devices, the battery can not be change without 'further notice', which I thought was quite awkward. The lithium-ion battery has a rated load of 4,600 mAh. Under full load the tablet held by four hours, a good but not above average value.

Compact Model

The case measures 210.8 x 135.9 x 7.95 mm, which is as wide as that of the iPad Mini and a few millimeters longer than that actually. The Nexus 7 is 198.5 x 120 mm, about 12 mm in height and nearly 16 mm in width smaller than the Galaxy Note 8.0. Samsung's tablet pen is one millimeter thicker than the iPad Mini's body, the Nexus 7 about 2.5 millimeters thicker than the Galaxy Note 8.0.Of all three devices, the iPad Mini with about 305 grams, has the lightest weight, followed by the Nexus 7  with about 335 grams and finally the Galaxy Note 8.0 with 340 grams, the Galaxy Note 10.1 is about 600 grams--almost twice as heavy. Is pushed onto the display cover, the case creaks a little.

Camera without flash, slightly distorted sound

The rear 5-megapixel camera takes above average photos that have little noise. The autofocus responds quickly and reliably,except for in  difficult lighting conditions.It lacks a flash but neverthless that is fine.The recorded 1080p videos were also consistently sharp, but the colors were a bit washed out.

The two speakers are located on the bottom edge of the tablet. The sound is slightly distorted, there is little separation between bass and treble, but they can be easily overlooked.The tablet has one of  the best sounds in its category. But with headphones it is perfect.

Stylus - Rich with features

The Galaxy Note 8.0 runs Android 4.1.2 together with Samsung's extensions, such as the Touchwiz interface, speech recognition and voice , which is required for use with the stylus.The home key on the other hand is the same  old  thing.

The 1,024 levels of pressure for the stylus,is not needed for most people. It only matters when we set the line thickness to high values. The lines then vary in thickness ,at the same time also losing opacity.

Comparing it  to the Galaxy Note 10.1 , we tested the distance between the outer glass and the actual display and found that it is significantly lower. Therefore there is no resulting parallax effect- it is as good as gone. Furthermore, the stylus for input does not have to be held vertically, but also can be used for writing with minimal line width in the natural slope.Palm does not interfere with typing. The handwriting recognition, however, is still outstanding. She's even pretty well with bad handwriting.

The two-window mode

On the big screen, the use of so-called multi-window mode is pretty handy. So that two applications can be placed side by side on the screen.  The buddy list shows which apps can be displayed together on the screen.It can be opened via a laterally placed tab. Applications are listed there that offer advanced options such as sharing on a screen. First, an application has to be started. Then another application using drag-and-drop can be drawn from the buddy list on the screen. Thus, for example, the mapping service maps and the browser or email program including calendars can be used simultaneously. The function itself is not new, however, it was introduced with the update to Android 4.1.2 for devices from Samsung and was already available on the Galaxy Note 10.1.

However, the number of apps that can be used together on the screen, increased significantly.The gesture control on the  other hand- is successful with the stylus.

The Remote Control

Samsung's tablet can be used with its infrared lamp as a universal remote control. This allows not only control of Samsung TV but many others as well. The corresponding application offers an impressive selection of devices from different manufacturers. The list fetches the application from a server for initial configuration so an Internet connection is required.the associated application Smart Remote showed, despite correct regional settings only shows from the United Kingdom not from India.


With Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0,  Samsung has created an almost perfect size for a tablet with pen input. It is so easy that it can be held in one hand.This is not easily possible with the Galaxy Note 10.1---10 inch tablet with an almost twice as much weight. The screen size has also more space for delicate scribbling, and the input with the pen is less fiddly than on the 5-inch devices.

In most applications, the digitizer is still only a substitute for the finger and it does not make use of the special pen and its buttons.The enclosed pen is also more precise than a usual capacitive one.

Also, the lack of flash, and occassionally slightly creaking phone case are a downside. We would have also liked to see a slightly higher resolution and smoother display with more frames per second.

Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 is all in all, but well made, lightweight and compact. There was no stuttering, all the apps we tested started quickly and ran smoothly.The stylus has significantly improved over the previous note series.

            So that's the end to my long and detailed  review on the new Galaxy note 8.0.If you have  used it  please share your thoughts below in the comments section.. Thank you guys..

Jailbreaked: Google's data Glasses

A few days after the release of the development version of Google Glass Cydia founder JayFreeman has managed to 'Jailbreak' the data glasses.Cydia founder Jay Freeman aka Saurik. It is succeeded by its own account to gain full control of the Android operating system and modify it.

Cydia founder Jay Freeman (Saurik) has Google  data glasses Glass hacked. He had managed to gain full access to the Android operating system version and the developer to modify it, he announced via Twitter .

When he discovered that Android 4.0.4 running on glass, he had immediately begun to use known exploits to gain access, Freeman said to the business magazine Forbes . The exploit published  last year - B1nary was the key.

"It took me two hours while I ate dinner with friends" Freeman said. He was looking at how B1narys exploit for Android tablets and phones to work, and have applied to the glass, "which was pretty easy" .

He had a modified operating system backup and played back on the device. It had succeeded during the update process, to fool the head-that the software running on an emulator, such as Android developers use it on their computers. He had full access as the root user, which published a photo of him prove his Google-glass displays.

From the middle of April Google had begun to deliver first versions of its data glasses to Google developers.  Whether applied by Freeman jailbreak method will work with it is questionable.Also,everybody is looking forward to see what actions to be taken by Google.We will have to wait and see...Share Your thoughts below....

HTML 5 To Be Copy Protected?

For some time now a smoldering controversy has emerged over the issue of DRM for HTML5. The W3C is working in the Encrypted Media Extensions (EME), a web standard for copy-protected content.

Around 15,000 people have already signed a petition against DRM in HTML5 .Now the various organizations working for the freedom of the Internet, in a contact open letter to the W3C CEO Tim Berners-Lee have sent their  demand: Cancel  DRM as it may hold a collection in web standards.

The Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) had a disastrous proposal to fundamentally change the HTML and  encourage the use of copy protection systems, among others-- warn the Free Software Foundation, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Open Knowledge Foundation and Creative Commons. In their view, it is mainly a few big companies like Microsoft and Netflix, who work for EME. And they had already shown in the past that they support DRM systems to maintain their close relationships with major media companies. In addition to Microsoft and Netflix and Google is working on the specification of EME.

The signatories under the Defective by Design published letter speaking  fundamentally opposed to DRM systems, as they will restrict the freedom of users and some only provide a few advantages.

The argument that EME is not itself a DRM system, and therefore, in accordance with the principles of the W3C, reject the signatories, because EME have no other purpose than to allow DRM systems on the Web.

Netflix offering movies and series via streaming, has announced just recently switch from Microsoft's Silverlight to HTML5 and participates to the development of the relevant W3C specifications: MediaSource Extensions (MSE) , Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) and Web Cryptography API (Webcrypto) , also known together as Netflix Premium HTML5 video extensions. As the first MSE Google's Chrome browser and EME supports the new techniques so that Netflix for Samsung Chromebook with ARM processor can offer a HTML5 player. A HTML5 player for Windows and Mac OS is currently being tested at Netflix.

If  Your Browser  and  internet was controlled by the copyright   Troll , will you use it??  Give your thoughts below.....